Why does Penn Tool Co need my personal information?
Penn Tool Co uses your personal information to improve the overall shopping experience and provide you with better customer service. Knowing our customers allow us to contact our customers and ensure all their needs are met and any questions or concerns are handled appropriately and accurately. All personal information we acquire is provided by each individual customer. This information, allows our customer service team to provide knowledgeable support. Benefits you may receive by allowing us to keep your personal information on hand include:
A Personal Internet Account - You will be identified by Penn Tool Co every time you log in with your personal customer number so in the future you will save time by not having to submit your information again.
Traceable Product Delivery - You will be able to track the location of your shipment through our online tracking system.
Order Status Updates - You will receive order status updates through email notification, including order-confirmation and order-shipped.
Updates on Internet Specials - You will receive updates on Internet specials you have requested, and invitations to join our Sweepstakes and giveaways.
Personalized, Knowledgeable Customer Service - Our customer service team will be able to assist you promptly and accurately by identifying you and your preferences.
Opting Out
You may withdraw your personal information at any time. To withdraw your information, email or write us at:
Penn Tool Co.
1776 Springfield Avenue
Maplewood, NJ 07040
Will Penn Tool Co sell my email address?
No. We will not sell, trade, share or rent your email address to anyone. Your email address is personal and should be kept that way. We use your email address to provide you with better customer service support, and to update you on our Internet specials as you requested.
When you visit or log in to our website, cookies and similar technologies may be used by our online data partners or vendors to associate these activities with other personal information they or others have about you, including by association with your email or home address. We (or service providers on our behalf) may then send communications and marketing to these email or home addresses. If you don't wish to receive this advertising you can visit this link to Opt Out